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Peter Voulkos
Peter Voulkos
January 11-Apr 30, 2024
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This on-line only exhibition at the Frank Lloyd Gallery unites two aspects of Peter Voulkos' work: ceramics and prints. Despite their diversity in medium, these works illustrate the artist's innovative handling of clay, and the translation of his aesthetic to works on paper. The power of his imagery is present in both, and the forms are varied.

Included are early and late examples of ceramics, with pieces that are slashed and gouged, as well as forms such as the single large wood fired "plate" form. Aggressively manipulated and incised, the ceramic surfaces of all of his works serve as a "meeting ground for painting and sculpture," as noted by Roberta Smith in the New York Times. He dealt with the ceramic medium in a manner described by his colleague Ken Price as "direct frontal assault."

Throughout his career, Voulkos made variations on the tea bowl form. An especially noteworthy wood fired tea bowl is included in this exhibit, from the John Balistreri kiln, in the year 2000. The large wood fired stoneware plate is from a firing by Ryusei Arita in 1997. We are honored to have these works directly from the Estate of Peter Voulkos.

The two prints, on view alongside his ceramic artworks, demonstrate the same aggressively incised line, and the same powerful imagery. For example, the artist's well-known large scale sculptural forms are shown in the monotypes. The touch of the hand is always present, whether on the surface of the clay, or the inking of the etching plate.

The influence of Peter Voulkos on the field of ceramic art and sculpture is hard to overstate. Ms. Roberta Smith described the magnitude of his impact when she wrote, "few artists have changed a medium as markedly or as single-handedly as Mr. Voulkos." He is often credited with abolishing the traditional hierarchies between fine art and craft, and the elevation of ceramics out of the decorative arts and into the mainstream. His work as an innovator, teacher, and colleague inspired generations of ceramists to push boundaries and find a voice in their medium.

This online exhibit opens January 11 and continues through February 29, 2024. For more information please visit our website:, or contact us by email,